Robusta Coffee
The Robusta’s are usually sold on screen size, either as screen 18 or 15 and can offer a neutral medium bodied characteristic

Grade: Screen 18
- Screen retention:18 = 92%, 15 = 7%, 12 = 1%
- Total defects: 7%
- Moisture content: Up to 12.5%
Grade: Screen 17
- Screen retention:18 = 7%, 17 = 90%, 15 = 3%
- Total defects: 7%
- Moisture content: Up to 12.5%
- Status: New grade
Grade: Screen 15
- Screen retention:17 = 7%, 15 = 90%, 12 = 3%
- Total defects:12%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: Existing grade.
- New screen distribution set up
Grade: Screen 14
- Screen retention:15 = 10%, 14 = 85%, 12 = 5%
- Total defects:10%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: New Grade
Grade: Screen 13
- Screen retention:15 = 13% 13 = 85%, 12 = 2%
- Total defects:12%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: New Grade
Grade: Screen 12
- Screen retention:14 = 13% 12 = 85% >12 = 2%
- Total defects:15%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: Existing grade.
- Defects by count
lowered from 20% to 15%
Grade: BH 1899
- Screen retention:18 = Minimum 80%
- Total defects:Sound bean tolerance = 15%
- Extraneous matter = 2%
Stones & metals = 0% - Dust free
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Grade: BH 1599
- Screen retention: >18 = 10%, 15 = Minimum, 70%
- Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 15%
- Extraneous matter = 2%
Stones & metals =0% - Dust free
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: New Grade
Grade: BH 1299
- Screen retention: >15 = 10%, Retained above screen 12 = min 80%
- Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 15%,
- Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%,
- Dust free
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: New Grade
Grade: BH 1199
- Screen retention: Below screen 12
- Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10%,
- Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%,
- Dust free
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Grade: BH 10.13
- Screen retention: Light & broken beans rejected at primary processing level
- Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10%,
- Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%,
- Dust free
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Grade: Black Beans
- Screen retention: Black and discoloured beans sorted from export grades by hand or colour sorter.
- Total defects:Sound bean tolerance = 3%,
- Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Certified Coffees (Organic, Utz, Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, 4Cs verified)
- Screen retention:Cleaned and screened above screen 1400 (>14=90%)
- Total defects: Maximum defects 12%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
- Status: New Grade
Grade: Washed Robusta Ungrade
- Screen retention: Screened above screen 1400.
- Total defects: Maximum Defects 10%
- Moisture content:Up to 12.5%